庆典活动 Celebration Highlights

Buddha Day e-Celebration
Online Dhamma talk and chanting
Date: 26.05.2021 (星期三 Wed)
Malaysia Time: 10.00am-11.30am

Online Bathing of the Buddha
Launching on SABS website
推出日期 Launch Date:
25.05.2021 (星期二 Tue)

前往浴佛 | Take Me There

燃灯供佛 · 随缘乐捐
Light Offering & Donation
您可通过布施修持十善业,资助本会之营运开销及弘法利生的工作!Donate to cultivate our ten perfections, and support SABS in propagating the Dhamma!

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Heart Sutra Calligraphy (Chinese)


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线上9小时正念慈心禅共修 (英语)
9 Hours Metta Mindfulness Retreat
Online meditation retreat by Ven. Mahinda on Zoom
Date: 22.05.2021 (Sat)
Malaysian Time: 9.30am-7.30pm

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“念念有慈” 线上活动
Metta Online Campaign
参加我们的社媒有奖活动! Join our campaign and win attractive prizes!
Submission Deadline:

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忆念佛陀 ·念念有慈
Remember The Buddha, Remember to Practise Loving-Kindness





Buddha Day, also known as Wesak Day, is a Buddhist festival that is celebrated on full-moon of May every year, to commemorate the birth, enlightenment, and the death (pari-nibbana) of Gautama Buddha.

In light of the ongoing pandemic, this year marks the 2nd year of Shah Alam Buddhist Society bringing our Buddha Day Celebration online. We sincerely hope that all the activities will help us to remember the Buddha, to develop loving-kindness and compassion, to eradicate greed, hatred and delusion, and bring benefits to one own self and all sentient beings. We look forward to your participation.

Our theme for the Buddha Day this year is “Remember the Buddha, Remember to Practice Loving-Kindness”. We often associate Metta, or loving-kindness with the tender love of a mother, as what the Buddha said in the Karaniya Metta Sutta “Even as a mother protects her only child at the risk of her own life, so with a boundless heart should one cherish all living beings.”

So let us practice loving-kindness, and spread our thoughts of compassion for the happiness of all sentient beings.


鸣谢 | Appreciation



A very big thank you and gratitude to every individual that makes this e-celebration of Buddha Day possible during this pandemic, especially YOU. May the merits accumulated brings you wisdom and blessings of all kinds.

May you attain the supreme bliss of Nibbana.