Merit and Significance of Emperor Liang Repentance Sutra

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该忏法集聚经典精华, 功德殊胜,超度效果显著,旨在普度六道众生,让人们通过礼佛、诵经、反观自省,生起惭愧心,进而发露忏悔,藉此忏悔罪业,并且能够慈悲救护众生,不忘失菩提心、菩萨行。


报恩:借拜忏努力修行, 报答及感恩所有眷属的成就




忏悔:借由拜忏忏悔往昔所造诸恶业, 消除罪业



The Emperor Liang Repentance sutra was compiled by Emperor Wu of Liang to liberate Empress Chi. It was inspired by a dream where he encountered the spirit of Maitreya Bodhisattva. As the embodiment of compassion, Maitreya alleviates the suffering of this life and guides beings toward enlightenment in future lives. As such, this sutra is also known as the Repentance Dharma of Kindness and Compassion in the Bodhimanda.

The sutra collects the essence of Buddhist scriptures, offering remarkable benefits and significant effects in uplifting beings. Its goal is to save all sentient beings across the six realms. Participants pay homage to the Buddha, recite scriptures, reflect on themselves, cultivate a sense of remorse, and engage in confession and repentance. Through these practices, they repent for their sins and cultivate compassion to aid other sentient beings, without losing their Bodhi mind and Bodhisattva practice.

The merits and benefits of participating in this repentance ceremony include:
• Gratitude: Diligently practicing repentance to repay and express gratitude for the achievements of all family members.
• Debt Repayment: Dedicating the merits of repentance to karmic creditors and enemies.
• Blessing Cultivation: Cultivating the causes and conditions for blessings.
• Building Connections: Forming affinities with both the living and the deceased.
• Repentance: Acknowledging and repenting for all past misdeeds, thereby purifying oneself of sins.

The Emperor Liang Repentance Dhamma Assembly is hailed as the supreme method of repentance and sin eradication in Buddhism, benefiting both the living and the deceased. As the repentance text proclaims: “Through this, disasters are averted, calamities vanish, and good fortune arrives. Thus, sins are wiped away, and blessings are born. It serves as a true remedy for illness, a guiding light dispelling darkness, spreading grace to all, and bestowing virtues upon all directions.”

We wholeheartedly invite everyone to join the Dharma assembly, sow the seeds of blessings far and wide, and cultivate both blessings and wisdom!