冤亲债主 与 地基主
Karmic Creditors & Earth Spirit

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在我们累劫的轮回中,往昔曾杀害、伤害、亏欠过的一切有情众生, 都是我们的冤亲债主。 (注:有情即一切有心识、有感情、有见闻觉知之生命体)
Earth and Residence Spirits
There are spirits in every mountain, river, tree, and residence. According to the Dīrgha Āgama, “Every residence in which humans dwell is never free from spirits.” These residence spirits are mostly guardian devas, worthy of our respect. If we cultivate compassion, adhere to the Right View, and practice the Ten Good Deeds, we need not fear the spirits. Instead, we will be protected by these countless beings.
Karmic Creditors
In our many past lives, all the sentient beings that we have killed, hurt, or harmed would be considered our karmic creditors. Most people are afraid of the day these karmic creditors return, demanding repayment. So, how should we clear these karmic debts?
According to Master Diyin, we should invite all sentient beings with whom we have karmic connections, including our karmic creditors and residence spirits, to listen to the Dharma and cultivate together.
The Emperor Liang Repentance Dharma Assembly provides us with a rare opportunity to register and make offerings to all of these spirits and beings. By gathering them at this Dharma Assembly, we give each other the chance to learn the Dharma, take refuge in the Triple Gem, and accumulate good merits.
Through this Dharma Assembly, we sincerely repent for our actions toward our karmic creditors, pay homage to the Triple Gem, pray for the well-being of all sentient beings, and dedicate all our merits to them. In doing so, we can resolve and settle our karmic debts. At the same time, our karmic creditors and residence spirits may even become our protectors, safeguarding us and our homes.