Volunteer Recruitment

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佛学会有这么一个群体,他们放下自己的身份、地位来到这里服务大众, 以身心布施,与来往的善信给予关照、帮助,借此广结善缘修心亦修身。这一群人恭敬三宝,以一颗赤诚的心护持道场。他们是护法,他们都有一个美丽的名字叫做‘义工菩萨’!


At the Buddhist society, there is a group of individuals who selflessly serve the public, setting aside their own identities and statuses. They offer their time and effort to care for and assist the devotees, thereby creating good karmic connections while cultivating their minds and bodies. This dedicated group reverently upholds the Triple Gem and serves as Dharma protectors, each bearing the wonderful title of “Volunteer Bodhisattva”!

Are you one of these Bodhisattvas? Yes, we are currently recruiting volunteers who are enthusiastic about contributing and passionate about Buddhism. Join our team to give devotees a better experience at the Dharma Assembly. We welcome you to walk the path of Bodhisattva practice with us!