Guidelines for attending Dharma Assembly

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由于法会每天进行的时间冗长,请各位务必给自己適时補充水份。我们L3 大殿外及L1各设有饮水机让大家随时添加。


佛教讲求清规戒律, 让我们成就道场、护恃道场。进入大殿、净土坛及五观堂內需保恃肃静 。置放超度牌位的净土坛比邻即是大众们用餐的五观堂,大家在享用午饭时请保持静默,或注意自己的声量不得高声谈笑,以示敬重。



As we eagerly await the arrival of all devotees, here are some gentle reminders to ensure everyone can comfortably participate in the five-day event.

☘️ Dress Code: We encourage attendees to dress neatly and appropriately, with simple and plain attire. Light-colored clothing with long pants is recommended (please avoid skirts, sleeveless shirts, and shorts). For devotees participating in the chanting sessions, if you have Haiqing (black robes) and a Precept Sash, please bring them and wear black socks to maintain the solemnity of the venue.

☘️ Bring Your Own Water Bottle: As the event will last for long hours each day, please ensure you stay hydrated. Drinking water dispensers are available outside the L3 Main Hall and on L1 for your convenience.

☘️ Bring Your Own Mask and Safety Notices: Due to the large number of attendees, if you have a cough or feel unwell, please wear a mask to protect yourself and others from infection. Additionally, please always be mindful of safety notices or “No Entry” signs posted around the building (e.g. during and after cleaning, as floors may be slippery).

☘️ Maintain Silence: Buddhism emphasizes discipline. Therefore, let us uphold the sanctity of the venue by maintaining silence when entering the Main Hall, Pure Land Altar, and Five Contemplation Hall. The Pure Land Altar, where the memorial tablets are placed, is adjacent to the Five Contemplation Hall, where meals are served. Please remain silent during meals or keep your voice low as a gesture of respect.

🏵 Special Reminder: In addition to the above reminders, please note that the Ullambana ceremony on the fifth day of the event, August 18, will start at 2:00pm. We request everyone not to enter the altar area for incense offering after this time. Attendees of the Ullambana ceremony should also refrain from eating and drinking water.

We thank you in advance for your support and cooperation🙏🙏🙏