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供佛斋天法会旨在礼拜供养三宝,并请佛教的护法诸神「二十四诸天」吃斋。佛教虽不皈依诸天,但诸天皈依佛陀。 据《金光明经》记载,诸天在佛前发愿护持佛教,奉行正法,远离恶行,同时巡行人间,护佑修行及有德之人。





延生禄位,或称祈福牌位,简称禄位, 适用于为在世者祈福增寿。在法会通过僧众大德诵经加持, 祈求家宅平安、事业顺利、消灾延寿、诸事圆满, 所求如愿。


Offering to Buddhas & Devas
In this event, we worship and make offerings to the Triple Gem, inviting the protective deities of Buddhism — also known as the “Twenty-Four Devas” — to partake in the vegetarian feast. Although Buddhists do not take refuge in the devas, they are honoured for their support. According to the Golden Light Sutra, these heavenly beings vowed before the Buddha to protect and uphold Buddhism, practice the correct Dharma, refrain from unwholesome deeds, and protect virtuous individuals.

To express gratitude for the devas’ protection of the Triple Gem, Buddhists prepare a solemn vegetarian feast, sincerely inviting the devas and their attendants to receive the offerings.

The purpose of this practice is to seek blessings and dispel disasters. By honoring the heavenly beings, practitioners hope to benefit all sentient beings, purify negative karma, and pray for peace, prosperity, health, and well-being.

Vegetarian Food Sponsor
Generally, vegetarian offerings are made to the Buddhas and the Sangha in the form of monetary donations to temples or large Dharma assemblies. The vegetarian food is offered to all Buddhas of the ten directions, served to the sages and virtuous ones, and extended to all sentient beings in the six realms of existence. This act of generosity not only forms positive connections and reduces karmic obstacles but also nurtures the spirit of giving, deeply planting the seeds of Bodhi for future spiritual progress.

Longevity and Prosperity Plaques
These plaques, also known as blessing plaques, are set up to seek blessings and longevity for individuals still among the living. During the Dharma assembly, chanting and blessings are performed to help offerors pray for the peace of their households, success in their careers, aversion of disaster, longevity, and the fulfilment of their wishes.

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