The Origin of the Emperor Liang Repentance Dharma Assembly

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当年梁武帝心爱的皇后郗氏去世后,经常追悼她,昼夜忽忽不乐。有一天,当武帝就寝时, 在梦中听见外面传来窸窣的声响,出去一看,竟是一条大蟒蛇,眼神哀切地望着他说:“我是皇后郗氏,因生前常嫉妒侧室, 动心发口有如毒蛇, 所以死后堕入蛇身。现在无处庇身, 饥饿不堪,每片鳞甲中都有小虫啃咬,痛苦万分。恳请皇上帮我脱离这苦难。”说完蟒蛇便消失了。


法会方毕,武帝闻到室内异香弥漫,久久不散。忽见一位容貌端丽之人对他说:“我承蒙皇上为我作功德,才得以脱离蟒蛇之身,超生忉利天,特来致谢。” 语毕即消失了。由此可见, 忏悔功德不可思议。

《梁皇宝忏》被誉为佛教中忏悔灭罪的至高法门,亦是冥阳两利之宝典, 历经千余年仍广为流传。其仪轨包括归依、断疑、忏悔、解冤、礼佛、报德、回向等多个忏仪,旨在帮助修行者消除业障,利己利他, 解脱烦恼,获得平安吉祥。

The Emperor Liang Repentance Dharma Assembly, also known as the Repentance Dharma of Kindness and Compassion in the Bodhimanda, was first held by Emperor Wu of Liang (given name Xiao Yan) during the Southern Dynasties period to deliver Empress Chi from suffering. Emperor Wu was a devout Buddhist monarch who valued spiritual practice, and he revered the eminent monk Master Baozhi as his national advisor.

After his beloved empress passed away, Emperor Wu mourned her deeply. One night in his dreams, he heard a rustling sound outside his chambers and ventured out, only to find a large python. The python spoke to him with a sorrowful look in its eyes, “I am Empress Chi. As a result of my venomous thoughts, words, and constant feelings of envy, I have been reborn as a snake. Now, I cannot find shelter or food, and insects gnaw on every scale on my body. I beg you, Your Majesty. Free me from this suffering.” With that, the python disappeared.

Once he woke up, Emperor Wu immediately consulted Master Baozhi. The master informed him that only through devout repentance could the empress be saved. Thus, Master Baozhi gathered monks, compiled names of various Buddhas from the scriptures, and invited the high-ranking monks to recite and perform repentance rituals for the empress.

As the ritual concluded, Emperor Wu noticed a lingering fragrance in the room. Suddenly, a graceful figure appeared before him, saying, “Thanks to your meritorious deeds on my behalf, I was released from my serpentine form and reborn in the Trāyastriṃśa Heaven. I have come to express my gratitude.” After that, the figure disappeared. Such is the inconceivable merit of repentance!

Since then, the Emperor Liang Repentance Dharma Assembly has been revered as the best way to repent for one’s wrongdoings in Buddhism. It is highly beneficial for both the living and the dead, and it is still going strong over a thousand years later. The ritual includes taking refuge, eliminating doubts, repenting for wrongdoings, resolving grievances, worshipping Buddhas, expressing gratitude, and dedicating merits. Its purpose is to help practitioners eliminate karmic obstacles for their own benefit and that of others, to free themselves from afflictions, and to attain peace and auspiciousness.