Prayers for Departed Unborn and Young Children

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这些失去的孩子,无论是来报恩、报怨、讨债或还债,他们的到来和离去都有其因缘。要明白, 这一世的相遇如此短暂, 皆因父母与子女之间因缘不具足所致。

面对这份永远的伤痛,父母可以把心中的不舍、爱与歉意化为祝福。为无缘子女报名参与《梁皇宝忏超度大法会》, 让他们借此机缘听闻佛法, 种下善根, 迈向光明。

通过至诚恳切的忏悔和诵经的功德力,我们祈请佛菩萨以慈力加被,超度这些孩子们,让他们得以离苦, 往生善道,并解冤释结, 同入佛智。

Due to various unfortunate reasons, many parents have experienced abortions, miscarriages, or even the early deaths of their children. These lost little lives are a lifelong regret. Such brief encounters highlight the impermanence of life.

Whether they came to repay kindness, seek revenge, or collect debts, these lost children have their own causes and conditions behind their arrival and untimely departure. It is important to understand that the brief encounters are due to the insufficient karmic connections between parents and the children.

In facing this eternal pain, parents can transform their lingering attachment, love, and apologies into blessings. By registering their departed unborn or young children for the Emperor Liang Repentance Dharma Assembly, parents can give them the opportunity to hear the Dharma, plant good roots, and move towards the light.

Through sincere repentance and the merit of chanting sutras, we pray that the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will extend their compassion to transcend these children, helping them to be free from suffering, reborn in good realms, resolve grievances, and attain the wisdom of the Buddha.