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人无始的生死以来,所犯下的过失遍造无量罪业,凡夫起心动念,更是功少过多。一切恶因, 皆离不开贪、嗔、痴、慢、疑而产生苦的果报,也因而让原来清净的心被恶业种子蒙蔽了我们的佛性。若想清除这些罪垢得安乐,就需虔诚恳切地求忏悔,让罪业消融,去除染污,使心灵净化,回复清净心!


佛教的万千法门中, 忏悔是修行法门的一种,也是必须的。《梁皇宝忏》的忏法用的便是「忏悔法门」,也是汉传佛教中实行最久的忏法!“忏文举处罪花飞,解了冤,忏了罪,消灾增福慧。” 每念到[出忏文]此处,总叫人倍感清凉 。人如果一直背负过错,心里的负担是何等的沉重! 经中云: 然诸福中,忏悔为最,除大障故,生大善故。让我们至心皈依佛,如法拜忏,祈请三宝与菩萨见证加被,忏除夙昔罪愆,增长清净道,修行上路,成就道业。

From the very beginning of our many lives, we accrue karma with every single one of our actions. As imperfect beings, we tend to make many mistakes. The three defilements of greed, hatred, and delusion taint our Buddha-nature, obstructing our originally pure minds. In order to cleanse ourselves of these offenses, we have to sincerely repent to dissolve the negative karma and purify our minds, returning them to their pristine state.

Repentance is a way to rid ourselves of evil and turn towards the path of goodness. We repent for our past mistakes with a deeper understanding and make a promise not to repeat them. When faced with obstacles in life, we must always reflect and repent wisely. Only then can we constantly improve ourselves and reduce our unwholesome karma. By repenting and allowing the Dharma to take root in our hearts and minds, we can change our lives for the better.

Among thousands of Dharma doors, repentance is one of the essential practices. The repentance method used in the “Emperor Liang Repentance Dharma Assembly” is one such practice, and it is also the most enduring repentance practice in Mahayana Buddhism!
“As the words of repentance are chanted, our offenses are blown away like flower petals in the wind. Offenses repented, enmity resolved, wisdom and blessings increase as calamities are dispelled.” These lines in the sutra are like a salve for the mind, relieving us from the weight of our offenses. As stated in the sutra, repenting is supreme – it removes great obstacles and generates great goodness. Let us wholeheartedly repent, taking refuge in the Triple Gem and Bodhisattvas. With their power and witness, may we atone for our mistakes, grow in wisdom, and achieve ultimate liberation.