法会详情 Event Details

The Origin of the Emperor Liang Repentance Dharma Assembly
《梁皇宝忏》被誉为佛教中忏悔灭罪的至高法门,亦是冥阳两利之宝典, 历经千余年仍广为流传。
Emperor Liang Repentance Dharma Assembly has been revered as the best way to repent for one’s wrongdoings in Buddhism.

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Volunteer Recruitment
Join our team to give devotees a better experience at the Dharma Assembly. We welcome you to walk the path of Bodhisattva practice with us! 

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Repentance is a way to rid ourselves of evil and turn towards the path of goodness. We repent for our past mistakes with a deeper understanding and make a promise not to repeat them. 

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Merit and Significance of Emperor Liang Repentance Sutra
The Emperor Liang Repentance sutra was compiled by Emperor Wu of Liang to liberate Empress Chi. It was inspired by a dream where he encountered the spirit of Maitreya Bodhisattva. 

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Prayer Tablets & etc offering
Registration form is included inside for referencing.

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Sharing Merits with Departed Loved Ones
This Seventh Lunar Month, let us turn our grief into blessings through the Emperor Liang Repentance Dharma Assembly. Let us share these wondrous merits with our parents and ancestors of present and past lives, planting good causes for present and future lives. 

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Prayers for Departed Unborn and Young Children
为无缘子女报名参与《梁皇宝忏超度大法会》, 让他们借此机缘听闻佛法, 种下善根, 迈向光明。
By registering their departed unborn or young children for the Emperor Liang Repentance Dharma Assembly, parents can give them the opportunity to hear the Dharma, plant good roots, and move towards the light.

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冤亲债主 与 地基主
Karmic Creditors & Earth Spirit
The Emperor Liang Repentance Dharma Assembly provides us with a rare opportunity to register and make offerings to all of these spirits and beings.

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More Offerings
供佛斋天,供斋 与 延生禄位
Offering to Buddhas & Devas, Vegetarian Food Sponsor & Longevity and Prosperity Plaques

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Guidelines for attending Dharma Assembly
As we eagerly await the arrival of all devotees, here are some gentle reminders to ensure everyone can comfortably participate in the five-day event.

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Programme Schedule
Attached is the five-day ceremony schedule for your reference.

Sharing Merits with Departed Loved Ones
This Seventh Lunar Month, let us turn our grief into blessings through the Emperor Liang Repentance Dharma Assembly. Let us share these wondrous merits with our parents and ancestors of present and past lives, planting good causes for present and future lives. 

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Emperor Liang Repentance Dharma Assembly

It will soon be the seventh month of the lunar calendar, and it is once again the season of filial piety and gratitude. To propagate the Dharma, promote filial piety, and facilitate the commemoration of the dearly departed, Shah Alam Buddhist Society will be organizing our annual Emperor Liang Repentance Dharma Assembly for the year 2024.

We are honored to have Venerable Yue Quan from Guangfu Temple in Ningbo, Zhejiang, leading the Dharma Assembly this year as well. With many years of experience under our belts, we are confident we can provide a seamless experience filled with metta while staying true to our initial mission. We look forward to seeing you again this year!

The memorial tablets and other items for offering at the Dharma Assembly are currently open for registration. If you are interested in making an offering, you may register at the Enquiry Counter or online.

May this Dharma Assembly bring us endless merits and inner peace. Let us cultivate together joyfully, wishing for the happiness and safety of all!




鸣谢 | Appreciation



A very big thank you and gratitude to every individual that makes this e-celebration of Buddha Day possible during this pandemic, especially YOU. May the merits accumulated brings you wisdom and blessings of all kinds.

May you attain the supreme bliss of Nibbana.